Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Appreciating and Promoting Resilience in Families JW Eagle, SM Sheridan - Handbook of Resilience in Children, 2023

 Click here for the abstract..

[HTML] Examining Key Populations in the Context of Implementing Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Initiatives E Maxwell, N Khanna, W Craig

 Click here for the article.

[PDF] ADHDCoach—a virtual clinic for parents of children with ADHD: Development and usability study CR Păsărelu, D David, A Dobrean, A Noje, Ș Roxana… - DIGITAL HEALTH, 2023

 Click here for the article.

Neurological and Developmental Outcomes of High-Risk Neonates, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology, E-Book N Maitre, AF Duncan - 2023

 Click here for the E book

Effective Secondary Services in Transition-Age Youth With Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature D Lee, M Ramírez, Y Castruita-Rios, X Chen, T Tansey - … Research, Policy, and …, 2023

 Click here for the abstract.

Parenting stress and autistic children's emotional problems relate to family-school partnerships and parent mental health. LL McIntyre, RT Santiago, M Sutherland, SA Garbacz - School Psychology, 2023

 Click here for the abstract.

Association between autism symptomatology and DSM–5 symptoms and parents' mental health O Shtayermman, Y Zhang - Current Psychology, 2023

 Click here for the abstract.

Friday, March 10, 2023