Saturday, October 13, 2012

New DSM-5 Criteria For Autism -- Who Will Be Left Behind?

New DSM-5 Criteria For Autism -- Who Will Be Left Behind? - Forbes: When news broke that the autism spectrum categories of Asperger’s disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) would get subsumed into the wider maw of a general “autism disorder,” people worried. They worried about autistic people who are quite verbal or who have typical cognitive skills. What would happen to individuals whose autism doesn’t manifest in those terms as profound?

Could Stem Cells Treat Autism? Newly Approved Study May Tell

Could Stem Cells Treat Autism? Newly Approved Study May Tell - US News and World Report: Thirty children with the disorder, aged 2 to 7, will receive injections of their own stem cells from umbilical cord blood banked by their parents after their births. All of the cord blood comes from the Cord Blood Registry, the world's largest stem cell bank.
Scientists at Sutter Neuroscience Institute, in Sacramento, Calif., said the placebo-controlled study will evaluate whether the stem cell therapy helps improve language and behavior in the youngsters.